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New Polls (2016-11-21)


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He truly is no one real.  It was so private that I apologized to the forum for having numerous  threads open asking the power state posters to rank if they were interested.  

It was never created as the official forum poll, especially since Echs  was already handling a collaboration of entries from all interested and cranking out a poll from that.  That was for all sense and purposes the forum poll.

At some point it stoppped being a weekly addition.   Dirty 30 (also a Rivals Junior college school ranking name, which I found out lol) was never requested to be a weekly forum poll and from the start was an idea explained from A to Z on the forum.  

Lastly, I was unhappy with the turnout of opinions and it was becoming too much of a golfaddict1 poll.  So I politely retired.  

Adam Kurkjian asked for it to continue and submitted a poll with a continuation of the previous week.  As stated prior, there were less voices in the end and frankly I thought the poll was quite good and benefited essentially from the beginning rankings and numerous pollsters.   

Private club defined by rest of states: Yes, as a veteran of Rivals and an avid poster and viewer I searched out some names across the group for additional input.  The main focal point was the power states but I didn't want to go alone at any point.  Yes on my personal idea, I asked for assistance from less than 100 pct of the group on a non official forum poll from the start... it was a darn good poll too. 

Adam and I tweeted on Monday but he must have been too busy to setup the 30 for review this week.   Hopefully Adam joins soon.   

Egoist out.  

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1 hour ago, dntn31 said:

Assuming that the Dirty 30 will live on and some, like NOR, feel left out, what about opening spots on the panel for those who outperform their peers in this site's yearly pickem contests? You would be both validating the expertise in the construction of your poll and allowing a path for entry for those who felt excluded.



understand.... it already feel apart because the guys were not dedicated


this is opinion stuff, why should a game of chance create a hierarchy? 


Heck, I won the basketball challenge and that in no way made me any more an expert on basketball than a loser like Echo. 


I appreciate your considered and sensitive reply but I think the poll's failure to survive as founded is proof of it's misguided birth. 


If the site wants to have a site poll, look to the regulars here.

Like him or not, agree or not, it's folks like ECHO who need to have the lead in forum projects. Whiteshoe is another. Omaha. 

Not part time posters who rank in secrecy. 

anyway, it's just my opinion.  


peace brother



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7 minutes ago, golfaddict1 said:

You really are an asshole NOR.  I'll take the first penalty box slot.  Stop being a pussy and a crusty old fart.  

I just wanted to get my point across. I feel I have.  That last post was done before yours posted. 

I'll stop being a pussy if you start respecting others. Fair? 

Being an old fart, I am not stopping ^_^

have a good day with your family and friends....

It's just a mental verbiage game we played... not important at all



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I stopped making my Comp poll (from multiple posters), because I didnt see a need for multiple forum compilation polls... I conceded that to the "Dirty 30" (which is a nickname some call a certain ... nvm)


Instead... I dedicated my time to the Pick 'Em... which personally is far more fun to me.

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4 minutes ago, ECHS05 said:

I stopped making my Comp poll (from multiple posters), because I didnt see a need for multiple forum compilation polls... I conceded that to the "Dirty 30" (which is a nickname some call a certain prescription painkiller)


Instead... I dedicated my time to the Pick 'Em... which personally is far more fun to me.

yeah, you got pushed out 


You are still here with the even tougher job, the pick'em, which is open to all. 

Hence my opinion on your considerable value to this forum.  


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Just a FYI that Max Preps (all season) has been doing the same thing (minus the archive).  With that said, it's a very cool sticky and the archive is nice to view as well.   


What was unique was... but it's now dead, so lets move on and good luck to Bruce Arena, he's gunna need it.  


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Nor could have been part of the Dirty Thirty but he fought it from the get go.  He backed the wrong pony over the summer when the Adults weren't posting daily.  Nor preferred ECHS05 comp poll which was equivelant to the Presidential RCP average polls which were a disaster and totally false.

Even though we may not agree with the Top end of the Dirty 30, it is arguably be the best poll we have.  It was conceived through a democratic process and built on input from groups of posters over several key areas of the country.

When Nor shows up "hat in hand" I'm sure he would be welcomed to contribute to the Dirty 30 next year.

-The Comish

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6 hours ago, dntn31 said:

Assuming that the Dirty 30 will live on and some, like NOR, feel left out, what about opening spots on the panel for those who outperform their peers in this site's yearly pickem contests? You would be both validating the expertise in the construction of your poll and allowing a path for entry for those who felt excluded.

No idea why ATLien is not consulted on the national level. My Pick Em skills are the best in the business. I wake up each Friday and I choose excellence. 


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49 minutes ago, The Comish said:

Atlien12x, Thank you for your interest and application.

You will need to become more like the Atlien12x of last year (less Ga homer) in order to be considered for 2nd level (Regional) consultant.  We will be monitoring your posts over the next few weeks. 


The Comish

Wait, is this legit? Or is this Sammy's 4th account? LOLOL

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12 hours ago, ECHS05 said:

Does SammySwordsMan have input into this poll? If the require is to be less homer than he, I think pretty much anyone is eligible.

Not atleast taking advice from the #1 guy in the Pick 'Em tells me you guys arent going for accuracy...

something to consider..... if you put together a poll with 15 like minded thinking people, who are gonna get a poll that you want not one that is insightful or progressive. In science safeguards are in place to NOT do this. 

In other words, if you seek out people from power states, you will get a poll heavy in power state teams. 

If you put together a poll with diversity, you will get less zip code stuff and more challenges to traditional thought.  

You guys have not been around but the idea that Bosco, in it's hey day, could play with the best teams in TX and FL.... even AL was laughed at. Just laughed at. It's the same mindset that we still fight. Yes, NJ is accepted now but only because they ran around the country proving themselves. Lot's of good teams out there from non traditional areas. Creating a poll that from the start is put together to ignore this.... not so good. 



the #1 guy in pickem is irrelevant, it's a game of chance.... like when I won the basketball contest here

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

something to consider..... if you put together a poll with 15 like minded thinking people, who are gonna get a poll that you want not one that is insightful or progressive. In science safeguards are in place to NOT do this. 

In other words, if you seek out people from power states, you will get a poll heavy in power state teams. 

If you put together a poll with diversity, you will get less zip code stuff and more challenges to traditional thought.  

You guys have not been around but the idea that Bosco, in it's hey day, could play with the best teams in TX and FL.... even AL was laughed at. Just laughed at. It's the same mindset that we still fight. Yes, NJ is accepted now but only because they ran around the country proving themselves. Lot's of good teams out there from non traditional areas. Creating a poll that from the start is put together to ignore this.... not so good. 



the #1 guy in pickem is irrelevant, it's a game of chance.... like when I won the basketball contest here


I agree with this.


There are certainly states that get largely overlooked as it pertains to national relevancy. Good high school football can be found anywhere. There are obvious reasons why some states fail to find their best teams ranked, as they either go oos and lose or there just isn't enough data (because they don't play oos) to compare to the teams that do. We have to be careful calling out teams that we think haven't proved something while trying to interject teams from less thought of states that certainly haven't been proven.



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On 11/24/2016 at 4:58 PM, Sammyswordsman said:

Please, I'm sure a lot of people signed up this week.   Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere. ?

Hello everyone. I just signed up. Been reading for long time and I add my voice to the countless others who understand that north cal plays the best football. ?...with the probable exception of Texas, Florida, and apparently Jersey. 

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10 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Hello everyone. I just signed up. Been reading for long time and I add my voice to the countless others who understand that north cal plays the best football. ?...with the probable exception of Texas, Florida, and apparently Jersey. 



lol, excellent opening post! Too funny. Welcome!

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On 11/24/2016 at 0:08 PM, The Comish said:

Nor could have been part of the Dirty Thirty but he fought it from the get go.  He backed the wrong pony over the summer when the Adults weren't posting daily.  Nor preferred ECHS05 comp poll which was equivelant to the Presidential RCP average polls which were a disaster and totally false.

Even though we may not agree with the Top end of the Dirty 30, it is arguably be the best poll we have.  It was conceived through a democratic process and built on input from groups of posters over several key areas of the country.

When Nor shows up "hat in hand" I'm sure he would be welcomed to contribute to the Dirty 30 next year.

-The Comish

Echo had already established a site poll. It was truly open to all. 

A few full of themselves types decided that certain people were not wanted. You know, had the wrong religion and were not from the desirable neighborhoods. 

The caste system prevailed. 

Your post is dishonest, an attempt to rewrite history. All were free to join in Echo's endeavor and because open inclusion was not wanted, this "douche chills" poll was born. 

Nor was not even aware that the part time posters had completed the siege never mind invited. 

When he ask who was part of this  poll he was told certain elitists whose names would not be revealed. 

As this poll failed anyway, I would hope any future site poll would indeed be a site poll. Not an elitist private affair. 



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On 11/24/2016 at 5:17 PM, The Comish said:

Atlien12x, Thank you for your interest and application.

You will need to become more like the Atlien12x of last year (less Ga homer) in order to be considered for 2nd level (Regional) consultant.  We will be monitoring your posts over the next few weeks. 


The Comish


and this was indeed the attitude applied

by part timers no less

talk about self elevating elitist dweebs.... 




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On 11/24/2016 at 5:25 PM, ECHS05 said:

Does SammySwordsMan have input into this poll? If the require is to be less homer than he, I think pretty much anyone is eligible.

Not atleast taking advice from the #1 guy in the Pick 'Em tells me you guys arent going for accuracy...

For YOU, to not to have been included is insane. And as all know, I do not generally agree with you.I do howevrer recognize and respect your value.

For us still not to know who the chosen were is very divisive.

I am sure Sammy is a part of it, it was he who championed the overthrow of  democracy here. Sammy is a great guy but his national high school football knowledge is very weak, Forget the homer part. 


And there is not a poster here free of bias, ( a homer.) It's just some are less expressive than others. Being tagged a homer is no reason to exclude someone. Of course, logic is seldom a long suit of the entitled. 

If I m from TX, my arrogance is so great that I don't even appear a "homer" in posts. Why? Becuasue I belive it's accepted that my view, TX is best is superior. If you are from MD and your posts are constantly assaulted because we all know football in the Mid Atlantic sucks.... you appear a homier. 

Now, you put that same TX poster in MD and now he's the homer! and the MD psoter in TX, and he is not a homer!!!!!!!!!

People are just messes at understanding things. 


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