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The Alabama abortion ban


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13 hours ago, HSFBfan said:

It's not enforceable it's actually unconstitutional due to roe v wade but that's why the challenge to row v wade is coming. Unfortunately the scotus will probably never look at it or if they do I domt believe it holds up. 


"Hey Stan, you're in Ala-F***in-Bama. You come from New York. You killed a good old boy. There is no way this is not going to trial."





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On 5/16/2019 at 1:18 AM, Troll said:

Touchy topic to weigh in on.......but some initial thoughts...

The whole rape argument is practically and technologically moot....who gets raped in America and somehow waits months to get carved up for no reason?  Did I miss morning after pills being banned?    Seems like the whole thread is a bunch of red herrings like that.....and forcing to choose from black/white opposing 'all in' options, the same as the media pushes..

Time limits and other restrictions can be just as much for a Mothers safety as the child's...and while I get the whole "Government can't touch my body" ideology, I will still get a ticket If I don't wear my seatbelt 🤔...and yet our own men's bodies can be called in for slaughter in times of war. 

I will always support a Woman's right to choose, but a possible elimination of the most barbaric options available, does not prevent them from having options...or choices...

Of course that might just be my 'overly civilized, westernized, and liberally better than you' take....without any crazy religion, values, or beliefs or silly stuff like that thrown in 🙄 

You're back in action? 

Here's an attempt at posting a meme, to celebrate the occasion. (I'm not sure whether I'm doing it right.)


EDIT: It took me six tries.

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On 5/16/2019 at 3:40 PM, HSFBfan said:

U told me to support my opinions. I gave you articles on the Pope. And I explained how I felt on the other issue.

I was asking you to offer reasons in support of your view that human zygotes have the same right to life as you and I have, which right trumps a woman's right to decide what happens in and to her body, and that these rights ought to be enforced by law; and for your view that we ought to shoot illegal immigrants.

These are not views that all reasonable people accept. That's good evidence in itself that the views are not obviously true. So we might try to list the considerations that count for and against these view, and then weigh those considerations, to see, after careful reflection, in which direction the reasons ultimately point.

What the Pope did can be determined by a simple Google search. So that's not in dispute. Whether the Pope is an enemy of America is another question, but one that I, myself, don't find very interesting. 

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10 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I was asking you to offer reasons in support of your view that human zygotes have the same right to life as you and I have, which right trumps a woman's right to decide what happens in and to her body, and that these rights ought to be enforced by law; and for your view that we ought to shoot illegal immigrants.

These are not views that all reasonable people accept. That's good evidence in itself that the views are not obviously true. So we might try to list the considerations that count for and against these view, and then weigh those considerations, to see, after careful reflection, in which direction the reasons ultimately point.

What the Pope did can be determined by a simple Google search. So that's not in dispute. Whether the Pope is an enemy of America is another question, but one that I, myself, don't find very interesting. 

When you support people invading a country you are not a friend but an enemy of this country. You are aiding illegals. It's a breathing living thing that deserves their shot in life. Just because the women got pregnant and regrets it or whatever in my opinion she should not be able to take that life away unless the mothers life is in danger. You have options when the baby is born including obv adoption and letting another couple raise the kid who wants it. 

These illegals will not stop coming. They have absolutely no intent of following our laws. They have no interest in our culture. Immigrants who come here should come to this country legally and assimilate into our culture. We have legal immigrants who dont assimilate and i feel that they should be deported. So the only way to stop the flow is to do something drastic. Even though trump said he would never let that happen I dont believe the citizens of this country will put up with the incoming flow of illegals and will do something sooner or later. 


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