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Illegals coming to this country to have kids will end


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3 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

So you've not really thought about this issue either. 

Do you ever get tired of realizing that you've got almost nothing to offer in support of your political opinions?

Don't you find that embarrassing as a grown man with interests in politics? 

Really? I do quite well actually, but as we often don't see eye to eye your comment is hardly unexpected.

Carry on.

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2 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

There was talk of this 14 amendment bussiness with "Operation Wetback", under Eisenhower in the late fifties....Thisi amendment MUST BE ENDED as the abuse is at its worst....Legally,  the wording is what will determine if it's amended.....Keep them out and any landowners on the border have the right to stop these ILLEGAL INVADERS...

I thought you were one of our guys who decides the issues based on their legality alone.

"ILLEGAL invaders!" Etc. 

I guess it turns out that sometimes you think we should worry about what the laws are not just whether they are the laws.  

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5 hours ago, zulu1128 said:

I don't think it's a great idea to fuck around with the constitution via Executive Order.

I agree that the 14A is being abused well beyond it's original intent in this case, but things pertaining to the Constitution should be done via legislation, and then through the SCOTUS, if necessary. 


Where's @Eddyr2and his dissertation on the taxonomy of political states?

Imagine how dangerous it would be if Trump wasn't such a figure of fun but could galvanize a wider ranger of people. 

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1 hour ago, Belly Bob said:


Where's @Eddyr2and his dissertation on the taxonomy of political states?

Imagine how dangerous it would be if Trump wasn't such a figure of fun but could galvanize a wider ranger of people. 

I am trying to say out of the OT...last time was here i was called racist and a liberal at the same time. when in fact i am neither. As for the issue at hand here are my thoughts:

the "power" of the Executive Order has been over used and out of control for the last 20+ years. I didn't like it when W. or Obama did it. I have been okay with some of Trump's EO's that have undone other EO's but i am not a fan of this one.  the legislative branch should make the laws not the executive. i don't like the OE since i feel it's more of a "get out the vote" move the a policy move. I would prefer Trump bring his case congress or challenge the current reading the the 14th amendment in court.

Regarding the 14a, reading it in contexts makes it clear that Trump is correct in saying the authors of the amendment did not intend for the children of illegal immigrates to be given birth right citizenship. But how the authors attended "the Law" to be read has nothing to do with how "the Law" is read today (ie roe v wade). 

He should have brought up the case infront of the SCOTUS (and if fact him signing bs EO are his ways of bring cases infront of the court) and he should have done the same thing with DACA. Both DACA and "birth rights" for the children of illegal immigrates are both cases that should go before the SCOTUS. DACA is an easy case. i think will be stuck down but not sure about the "birth right" for the children of illegals. i feel both Roberts and Kavanaugh would vote to keep "birth rights" for the children of illegal.

So if Trump signs the OE, it will get sued and be before SCOTUS next October. so this is a whole lot to do about nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Welp, that’s where we differ.  Too easy to manipulate the judicial system to suppress rights and votes when it’s denied for life.  

Why should you ever get your rights back when you failed society in some kind of heinous way.......I also believe we do not use the death penalty enough in this country

I disagree. They should never get their voting rights back. This is nothing but a Democrat initiative 

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