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9 hours ago, concha said:

Can't have a any black men thinking on their own, now, can we?

Things like "Exactly what has the Democratic Party gotten us apart from the destruction of the black family, dependence on government, shitty schools, an abortion rate 3x the national average...?".

They were there to address issues in the black community which neither is equipped, educated enough to do.  

This was a performative and spectacle put on for nothing more than a photo op. (The idea that brown and Kanye are allowing themselves to be used as an instrument in this way is disgraceful) 

Nothing tangible will come forth from this “luncheon” like nothing came out of the pastors summit either.  

When we get to kanye and Brown actually “thinking” let me know. 

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24 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

They were there to address issues in the black community which neither is equipped, educated enough to do.  

This was a performative and spectacle put on for nothing more than a photo op. (The idea that brown and Kanye are allowing themselves to be used as an instrument in this way is disgraceful) 

Nothing tangible will come forth from this “luncheon” like nothing came out of the pastors summit either.  

When we get to kanye and Brown actually “thinking” let me know. 

Black pols, "journalists" and performers toeing the liberal line are just fine though, I'm sure.

They've thought through the dismal failure that is the welfare state and have the answers why it's still a good thing, right?

Hip-hop artists and actors slamming the right are given full access and lauded.  But that helps keep the vote on the plantation...

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7 minutes ago, concha said:

Black pols, "journalists" and performers toeing the liberal line are just fine though, I'm sure.

They've thought through the dismal failure that is the welfare state and have the answers why it's still a good thing, right?

Hip-hop artists and actors slamming the right are given full access and lauded.  But that helps keep the vote on the plantation...

Did I condemn him for supporting trump or for something else? 

He can speak his mind, but meeting WITH the president to discuss these issues is a joke and a mockery to the issues. 

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30 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Let me guess...you also don't believe Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, John James and Alveda King aren't thinkers either. 

I use to be a republican. I’ve mentioned that several times, I’m  conservative just not down with what the party has become.(or any party for that matter)   

Colin Powell I greatly admire and he was my role model in my military career.

There’s a respectability that doesn’t have to cross over into some performative, side show gimmick.  I’ll let you decide which side Kanye “I don’t read books” West falls on. 

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8 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Free thinking leaders. Taking matters into their own hands. #walkaway

You’re so elementary with your thoughts.   😂 

party affiliation doesn’t make you a free thinker.  Having the ability to assess a situation with limited biased influence is free thinking and the ability to mentally absorb various view points objectively is free thinking.  Being stuck on “republican” for everything is rather limited.  But keep up the good work.  


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8 hours ago, CardinalTruth said:

From an observation stand point going on years now. Head and shoulders above you. I don’t even like or care for concha and could be rivalry driven for what we’re here for. Football. Your looking like your gonna come unglued again. Bring it back out again you Deep South racist Dixiecrat. Looney would be a nice word for you. You have serious problems. You are the problem, let another black man get under your skin so we can all see what you really think again... 

From an observation stand point I still have my "soul".

It can't be bought. There are still a few of us left in this country.

That's the only thing a guy like you needs to concern yourself with.

Nice rant.



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18 minutes ago, RedZone said:

What happened in the White House yesterday was a disgrace to White and Black America. 

Those that don't see and understand that can kiss my ass.


this weeks national disgrace act....his followers don't know the meaning of the word disgrace anymore...yesterday's circus act was a black eye (pardon the pun) for this nation...as dopey Donny sat there and smiled as his side show act lost his mind...and the world laughs a little louder AT us today....

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5 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

this weeks national disgrace act....his followers don't know the meaning of the word disgrace anymore...yesterday's circus act was a black eye (pardon the pun) for this nation...as dopey Donny sat there and smiled as his side show act lost his mind...and the world laughs a little louder AT us today....

We are getting the very best from free thinking rappers and free thinking rednecks.


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1 hour ago, RedZone said:

trump is playing these losers like a fiddle.


and they would have it no other way!...these are the stooges who Donny said would still support him if he shot someone on 5th Ave..the ones that believe in the Republican run "deep state" exc...drunk on Trump's Kool-Aid...like Concha-Blueballs-GSB-Zulu-Tex...sad group of characters....:$

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Everything in politics the last 2 years is a rebuke of Obama, his policies, and his deep state. 

Americans have had enough of the bullshit. 

You Liberal kooks got 8 years the way you wanted it, so what the hell is the problem with the people who had to suffer through that getting things going their way for a while? 

Quit being fucking greedy!!!

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8 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Damn you idiotic.

Common sense evades you I see.

I posted the map to show that the majority of real Americans want the country to be led the way it is being led right now. 

Hillary won by 3 million votes but won by 3.5 million votes just in California. Meaning the state of California would have decided what the other 49 states would have to put up with. 

Trump won the back bone of the country and the parts that make this country thrive. She won the coastal elite areas of Cali, NY and D.C. 

Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it wrong or incorrect. You had your 8 years. 

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2 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I posted the map to show that the majority of real Americans want the country to be led the way it is being led right now. 

Hillary won by 3 million votes but won by 3.5 million votes just in California. Meaning the state of California would have decided what the other 49 states would have to put up with. 

Trump won the back bone of the country and the parts that make this country thrive. She won the coastal elite areas of Cali, NY and D.C. 

Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it wrong or incorrect. You had your 8 years. 

Like I always say thank God the founding fathers did not leave the presidency up to the common man and put in place the electoral college. 

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