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Meanwhile Trending: Kanye West


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2 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

Only ignorant people would think Kanye speaks for black people other than himself.

Lol! Nobody on the right  thinks that, you fool. Kanye is an individual. ANY critically thinking person knows that. The damn left is the ONLY monolithically thinking faction even entertaining that idea. Why am not surprised.🙄

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2 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Based on U.S. adults and since that is who elected Trump and you claim this.  

The % is such.  Top 5 least unbiased News

1.  PBS News 31%

2.  AP 23 %

3.  NPR 12 %

4.  Wall St. Journal 10 %

5.  USA Today 5%


The worst biased.  Fix News is the worst.  

1. Fox News -51%

2. Bretbart -51%

3.  MSNBC -37%

4.  The Huffington Post -32%

5.  CNN -27%


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7 hours ago, WulfTangClan said:

Both parties certainly have their issues.

I for one identify as Democrat, but I'm not a fuckin libtard. Im not that extreme. I don't think we all (men and women) should use the same bathrooms and I hate a mf that lives off the govt if they're able to work. And don't even get me started on modern day feminists.

But the modern day Republican party has more serious issues both historically and now involved with it for me to ever affiliate myself with that mess.

Youre republican... just to damn dumb to know it. 

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