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1 hour ago, HSFBfan said:

I have lost many people in my life because they cant handle what I have to say. It happens. I know a few people on this board personally and I'm still friends with them. I am not going to sugarcoat the truth to make sure somebody doesnt have their feelings hurt. Our history as a country is bloody and full of issues. We in 2018 cannot put ourselves in the shoes of someone in 1776 or even 1886. Life worked for people the way it was then. People knew their roles in society. Now in 2018 what are peoples roles? Women are out in the work force and not at home causing more issues. Inner cities have a big number of crimes. Is it better than the 1980s yes it is but than look at the politicians who are rolling back those actions to help curtail crime. 


And as I said what I said above I ran into this article and I think this is absolutely great. 


What exactly are your views on peoples roles?  You have been kind of all over the map in this thread, so just trying to get an honest answer, from an honest guy.  If you were God for a day, how would you set up this country people wise?

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10 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I empathize with your frustration, my friend. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, and know you’re a pleasant, rational man.

I also know that you’re convinced that Trump is this horrible person that lies 24/7. The media certainly doesn’t potray the president in any way to prove otherwise. I don’t see Trump as more or less of liar than I do pretty much any politician. A problem is for me is that media fluffs Obama’s and Hillary’s pillows, but Trump can’t fart without being chastised. If YOU lied yo me, that’d be an issue (and visa versa of course). But we’re not comparing apples to apples here. At the end if he day, if one critically looks at DJT’s presidency without (or minimal) emotion, hes delivering on promises...and in my opinion, minus the civil/political unrest and absolutely unconscionable behavior by the left, life is good. And I believe that America is going in a good direction. The left needs to settle down, be civil, and show up to vote in a 4 weeks. That’s how America works. Not block streets in Portland. And not attack bang on commuter’s cars who are just trying to get to work.

That said, President a Trump is certainly taking a victory lap following the successful defense of his SCOTUS nomination (among other things). I think that he’s entitled to it. I’m not gonna lie, I’m enjoying it myself after what I/we just witnessed.

THAT being said, after the mid terms, whatever the outcome, it’s time for him to stop attacking the left. I personally won’t support that. He needs to lead by example. AAAAAND the left needs to end this BS about impeachments, investigations, and end this civil/political unrest platform. 

Thank you.  

I think the fluffing of pillows is a bit overplayed but No matter.  I certainly hope he stops doing this after the midterms but not likely.

Many on the left wouldn't be after him so much of he were to include them, in a positive way, when he talks.  Not most or all but many.  

The media gets way too much credit imo.  They don't tell Trump what to say they just report it.  There is video and not the media saying what he said.  1st hand.  

Appreciate the reply, it is very helpful.



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9 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

What exactly are your views on peoples roles?  You have been kind of all over the map in this thread, so just trying to get an honest answer, from an honest guy.  If you were God for a day, how would you set up this country people wise?

I believe every person should have a role but know that we are not equal. In this country you earn what you make. Meaning this if you work for 35k and you want to make more do what you have to do to make more. But dont be bitching because someone is making 100k. I had this conversation with someone yesterday. We were talking about business and how CEOs make their billions while the workers are making their salaries whatever it is. But you have to be ok with that if your gonna work in a business. I'll be perfectly honest I am not ok with that so I dont see myself in business. I have no desire to work hard to make someone else money. 

I would like to see woman go back to staying home and taking care of the kids and doing the housework. I believe it leads to better structure and to better obiediance at home. It also leads to better checks on school work and such. Men should be the breadwinners of the family. I'll even bend a little and flip flop it as long as someone is home to take care of the house work. 

I do believe there should always be tiers of people. Rich middle poor. If your poor you should be working harder to get to the middle. If your middle and you wanna be rich work harder. You shouldn't be comfortable being poor knowing theres hand outs in this country. All those hand outs should be gone. I think people get complacent where the live but bitch every day about it. There are a lot of states where you can live well. If you have to move move. 

I think I answered your question. 

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10 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I empathize with your frustration, my friend. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, and know you’re a pleasant, rational man.

I also know that you’re convinced that Trump is this horrible person that lies 24/7. The media certainly doesn’t potray the president in any way to prove otherwise. I don’t see Trump as more or less of liar than I do pretty much any politician. A problem is for me is that media fluffs Obama’s and Hillary’s pillows, but Trump can’t fart without being chastised. If YOU lied yo me, that’d be an issue (and visa versa of course). But we’re not comparing apples to apples here. At the end if he day, if one critically looks at DJT’s presidency without (or minimal) emotion, hes delivering on promises...and in my opinion, minus the civil/political unrest and absolutely unconscionable behavior by the left, life is good. And I believe that America is going in a good direction. The left needs to settle down, be civil, and show up to vote in a 4 weeks. That’s how America works. Not block streets in Portland. And not attack bang on commuter’s cars who are just trying to get to work.

That said, President a Trump is certainly taking a victory lap following the successful defense of his SCOTUS nomination (among other things). I think that he’s entitled to it. I’m not gonna lie, I’m enjoying it myself after what I/we just witnessed.

THAT being said, after the mid terms, whatever the outcome, it’s time for him to stop attacking the left. I personally won’t support that. He needs to lead by example. AAAAAND the left needs to end this BS about impeachments, investigations, and end this civil/political unrest platform. 

One more thing I want to make clear.  I do not hate Trump.  That doesn't make sense to me.  I do however feel he has mental issues that make telling the truth a near impossibility.  Its hard wired at this point.  

The only person I struggle with not hating is Ted Cruz.  He has a face that is so punchable I'm not sure I could resist if I met him.  😀


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1 hour ago, HSFBfan said:

I believe every person should have a role but know that we are not equal. In this country you earn what you make. Meaning this if you work for 35k and you want to make more do what you have to do to make more. But dont be bitching because someone is making 100k. I had this conversation with someone yesterday. We were talking about business and how CEOs make their billions while the workers are making their salaries whatever it is. But you have to be ok with that if your gonna work in a business. I'll be perfectly honest I am not ok with that so I dont see myself in business. I have no desire to work hard to make someone else money. 

I would like to see woman go back to staying home and taking care of the kids and doing the housework. I believe it leads to better structure and to better obiediance at home. It also leads to better checks on school work and such. Men should be the breadwinners of the family. I'll even bend a little and flip flop it as long as someone is home to take care of the house work. 

I do believe there should always be tiers of people. Rich middle poor. If your poor you should be working harder to get to the middle. If your middle and you wanna be rich work harder. You shouldn't be comfortable being poor knowing theres hand outs in this country. All those hand outs should be gone. I think people get complacent where the live but bitch every day about it. There are a lot of states where you can live well. If you have to move move. 

I think I answered your question. 

I appreciate the honesty and actually agree with some of it.  What about different races and colors in this country?  How do you view them and their roles?

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17 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

I appreciate the honesty and actually agree with some of it.  What about different races and colors in this country?  How do you view them and their roles?

I don't think that matters. Work will get u where u need to go if you wanna get somewhere. I think the black culture needs to fix itself though. You cant have this many inner cities facing a crisis and not blame yourself internally. Its generation upon generation of handouts. Yes there are white trailer trash that should be locked up due to the drug scene that some of them like to engage in. I didnt grow up around too many black people. I grew up in a predominately white town and went to mostly all white schools so saying that idk why inner cities dont want the help to fix themselves. NYC had stop and frisk and it really worked. Now with the left sorry to get political in this response as I didnt want to go that way but they took away the stop and frisk and now crime is climbing again. I think some people wanna play the blame game and that's there way to make sure they dont are never blamed themselves for their own situations.

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13 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

So does the white culture.

Stop ruining lives everywhere they go.

Trying to make everyone live like them. 

We handed out our lives in the past for the sake of this country so your little ignorant ass can say and do as you do today. The poor and failing are not just in the cities. They are around the corner from us all.

We know you did not grow up around blacks. You are to ignorant to have done so.

As a matter of fact, you still have not grown up. 

Given the history of this country, you are the one playing the blame game as it is your people that  has done more to damage other peoples lives than they could ever do to themselves. 

This where your selective memory or lack of knowledge comes into play as you ignore facts and history for your self denial.

That makes you feel safe. Try and make believe as though nothing ever happened so you won't feel ant responsibility or place it where it belongs. 

Ignorance is bliss.

We know you hate white people. It's ok. We all accept it. Have a wonderful day

But remember if it wasnt for a white person blacks would still be slaves. Have a good one. 

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1 hour ago, HSFBfan said:

I don't think that matters. Work will get u where u need to go if you wanna get somewhere. I think the black culture needs to fix itself though. You cant have this many inner cities facing a crisis and not blame yourself internally. Its generation upon generation of handouts. Yes there are white trailer trash that should be locked up due to the drug scene that some of them like to engage in. I didnt grow up around too many black people. I grew up in a predominately white town and went to mostly all white schools so saying that idk why inner cities dont want the help to fix themselves. NYC had stop and frisk and it really worked. Now with the left sorry to get political in this response as I didnt want to go that way but they took away the stop and frisk and now crime is climbing again. I think some people wanna play the blame game and that's there way to make sure they dont are never blamed themselves for their own situations.

Gotcha.  So your'e good with race mixing and inter racial relationships too? 

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2 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Gotcha.  So your'e good with race mixing and inter racial relationships too? 

Honestly idk.....see I have a mixed family. Spanish cousins....black uncle. But to me it's very strange. Yeah obv it's my family and I'd kill for any of them but outside of that it's hard. So I know I will jumped on when I post this and I accept that but I'm not sure if im ok with it. I know none of it impacts me directly so obv I wouldnt say anything to anyone about it as it is not my business but it's just not something that I would ever personally do. 

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35 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

Honestly idk.....see I have a mixed family. Spanish cousins....black uncle. But to me it's very strange. Yeah obv it's my family and I'd kill for any of them but outside of that it's hard. So I know I will jumped on when I post this and I accept that but I'm not sure if im ok with it. I know none of it impacts me directly so obv I wouldnt say anything to anyone about it as it is not my business but it's just not something that I would ever personally do. 

I hear ya.  So if you had a daughter and she was dating or got pregnant by a brother, you would be pissed?  Or just accept that she is happy and in love and treated right?

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3 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

I hear ya.  So if you had a daughter and she was dating or got pregnant by a brother, you would be pissed?  Or just accept that she is happy and in love and treated right?

To be completely honest I'd be pissed off. But I'd be pissed off if a white guy knocked her up as well. It's another thing I have a problem with people getting pregnant. I think its disgusting to be completely honest. But yeah I would have a hard time if my son or daughter dated outside their race. Doesnt mean I change my mind but initially i wouldnt be happy at all 

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On 10/6/2018 at 10:27 PM, World Citizen said:


How did DLS look against MV?  Did Hale play?  Give me the details.


On 10/7/2018 at 12:45 AM, Blueliner said:


I was st the game. DLS needs to somehow get out of the EBAL. As BB said, DLS was up 28-0 after the first quarter. They scored all if their TDs on about 8-10 plays. 48-0 at half. Final was 55-0. MV is the best of the rest of the EBAL. Not sure what kind of bad things Sparty is going to go to SRV, Cal, and Foothill. These massacres aren’t good for anyone. They certainly aren’t preparing DLS for SoCal power.

Hale played and played well. Everyone “played well”. Tasi was back too. Like I said, this game was literally zero challenge for DLS. And I’m sure MV wasn’t enjoying that.

You’d better come down for the playoffs!

I finished the 1st half. I'm not sure whether I'll watch the second.


It was coach Lad bobblehead night. 

DLS scored on 7 of their 8 possessions of the half. Their 7th possession was led by the 2nd string guys and went 10 plays for 80 yards. On their 8th possession, they took a knee on MV's 20.

Garrett had TD runs for 80+ and 40+ yards.

Coby had an 80+ yard TD run.

Foskey caught 2 TD passes.

Daley caught a quick slant and took it 80 yards to the house.

DLS had just one procedure penalty, for 5 yards. 

Storti had another nice pick just when MV was putting a drive together. 

MV is a well-coached, discipled football team that played better than the score would suggest. 

DLS ran a few plays out of the shotgun with an empty backfield.


No. 14 Wallace was hit with a personal foul. He's a good cover corner, but he likes to talk, and if I remember correctly, he was hit with a personal foul toward the end of the BG game, when DLS was trying their best to give that game away.


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1 hour ago, Belly Bob said:


I finished the 1st half. I'm not sure whether I'll watch the second.


It was coach Lad bobblehead night. 

DLS scored on 7 of their 8 possessions of the half. Their 7th possession was led by the 2nd string guys and went 10 plays for 80 yards. On their 8th possession, they took a knee on MV's 20.

Garrett had TD runs for 80+ and 40+ yards.

Coby had an 80+ yard TD run.

Foskey caught 2 TD passes.

Daley caught a quick slant and took it 80 yards to the house.

DLS had just one procedure penalty, for 5 yards. 

Storti had another nice pick just when MV was putting a drive together. 

MV is a well-coached, discipled football team that played better than the score would suggest. 

DLS ran a few plays out of the shotgun with an empty backfield.


No. 14 Wallace was hit with a personal foul. He's a good cover corner, but he likes to talk, and if I remember correctly, he was hit with a personal foul toward the end of the BG game, when DLS was trying their best to give that game away.


Very accurate post. That about covers it. 

I will just comment on Wallace (#14) as additionally. He likes to talk for sure, and you’re accurate that was his PF that kept the Bishop alive for a few more plays. I don’t want to apologize for him nor condone that kind of behavior, but I thinks there's a reason why he does it and why it’s being tolerated by the coaches. Wallace was absolutely lit up last year. He was a starter then benched. Started and benched. It seemed like that every big play in every game the fans were like ....damn, #22 again?!!! He was 22 last year. SJC and Central I think paid him off to throw the games🤣. Obviously, I’m kidding, but you get my drift.  I know personally how hard he worked in the summer. Went to DB campS. Played for KT Prep in the Snoop Dog (or whatever) 7 on 7 passing league. Had private teaching etc. He didn’t want to be a WR anymore at all hi energy into be a lockdown CB. I’m not sure if he’s a lockdown CB, but he is clearly the best DB DLS has this year. He’s been outstanding shutting down Ngata and pretty much whoever lines up in front of him. So, a little long winded, but I think it’s just a lot of pride and emotion (immaturity?) bubbling up. And Im sure that the coaches, talk/coach/mentor him about it, but after being “written off” by fans and now excelling like this, he’s playing with a chip. And the coaches, at least for now, are cutting him a little slack. We’ll see once th games start to matter again. 


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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Very accurate post. That about covers it. 

I will just comment on Wallace (#14) as additionally. He likes to talk for sure, and you’re accurate that was his PF that kept the Bishop alive for a few more plays. I don’t want to apologize for him nor condone that kind of behavior, but I thinks there's a reason why he does it and why it’s being tolerated by the coaches. Wallace was absolutely lit up last year. He was a starter then benched. Started and benched. It seemed like that every big play in every game the fans were like ....damn, #22 again?!!! He was 22 last year. SJC and Central I think paid him off to throw the games🤣. Obviously, I’m kidding, but you get my drift.  I know personally how hard he worked in the summer. Went to DB campS. Played for KT Prep in the Snoop Dog (or whatever) 7 on 7 passing league. Had private teaching etc. He didn’t want to be a WR anymore at all hi energy into be a lockdown CB. I’m not sure if he’s a lockdown CB, but he is clearly the best DB DLS has this year. He’s been outstanding shutting down Ngata and pretty much whoever lines up in front of him. So, a little long winded, but I think it’s just a lot of pride and emotion (immaturity?) bubbling up. And Im sure that the coaches, talk/coach/mentor him about it, but after being “written off” by fans and now excelling like this, he’s playing with a chip. And the coaches, at least for now, are cutting him a little slack. We’ll see once th games start to matter again. 


I didn't know any of that, so I appreciate the insight.

It also makes sense of some other things I've been puzzled about. For example, the other corner (Marshall) had more accolades coming into this season, but the coaches put Wallace on Ngata. 

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1 hour ago, Belly Bob said:

I didn't know any of that, so I appreciate the insight.

It also makes sense of some other things I've been puzzled about. For example, the other corner (Marshall) had more accolades coming into this season, but the coaches put Wallace on Ngata. 

I agree. I thought Marshall would shadow Ngata. But I might have an idea. Marshall suffered a knee injury in their last passing league game in late June. It looked pretty bad when it happened, but nothing was torn, thankfully. But I wonder if he wasn’t quite 100% yet, so maybe they put Wallace on Ngata instead....and they were, like the rest of us, pretty impressed. Again, that’s just my theory. Love they DLS defense this year. The DBs should once again be good next year. The front 7, minus Roe at DT will all be first year starters. 😳

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7 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Yeah it's a mental illness that is being celebrated. And it's New York so you know this is deliberate to put the middle finger to conservatives. Almost as if this is the only thing they are in power of 🤔

Unfortunately I live in the cesspool of NY. It makes you sick to your stomach. 

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13 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Haha! Not bad🤣 

Dude, you’d better be down for a playoff game. We’ll get the band back together!👊

You know I'm in.  Fair warning, I might give you an earful about how "Woodcreek" some of your posts on this side have been -- I'll expect no less in return.  But you did write one thing that I thought was really right, so I might sprain my ankle complimenting you on that if between now and then if I can't figure out a way to give you a hard time about it instead.

Also, I'm probably going to notify the moderators about how you and @Belly Bob need to take the HS football crap to the On Topic side of the board cuz it's the opposite of "Woodcreek."

Take care my brother.


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14 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

You know I'm in.  Fair warning, I might give you an earful about how "Woodcreek" some of your posts on this side have been -- I'll expect no less in return.  But you did write one thing that I thought was really right, so I might sprain my ankle complimenting you on that if between now and then if I can't figure out a way to give you a hard time about it instead.

Also, I'm probably going to notify the moderators about how you and @Belly Bob need to take the HS football crap to the On Topic side of the board cuz it's the opposite of "Woodcreek."

Take care my brother.


It's @World Citizen's fault, not mine. He's the one who asked about high school football.

I wanted to do more on political philosophy, comparative government, constitutional law, and American history. This is kinda my place for new insight into those old topics.

I don't want any trouble with the moderators. 

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15 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

It's @World Citizen's fault, not mine. He's the one who asked about high school football.

I wanted to do more on political philosophy, comparative government, constitutional law, and American history. This is kinda my place for new insight into those old topics.

I don't want any trouble with the moderators. 

@World Citizen is kinda like that.  He starts trouble and the next thing you know, while you are getting busted for it, he's off to the concession stand buying Hot Tamales or something...😉

Actually BB, some of your writing on Political Philosophy, comparative government, constitutional law and American history has really helped me to clarify my own thinking, so I am grateful.  I hope you will keep writing about those things.  We need a lot more of what you bring -- At least I do.

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