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Nike Commits Company Suicide Endorses Colin Kapernick


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1 minute ago, DevilDog said:

The greatest exploiter of Blacks for Nike in History.  No one got pissed because he was all about his money and didn't give a damn about any social issue.  That was his choice. 

Image result for michael jordan nike

My simple point is no one or majority of people dgaf what color #7 is. It’s his kneeling people hate. There’s been shitload of blacks carrying Nikes banner for many many years. No one was calling for a boycott then. Everything isn’t about skin color as much as some WANT it to be. Imo 

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11 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

My simple point is no one or majority of people dgaf what color #7 is. It’s his kneeling people hate. There’s been shitload of blacks carrying Nikes banner for many many years. No one was calling for a boycott then. Everything isn’t about skin color as much as some WANT it to be. Imo 

For the 100th Time my ASS would never kneel.  I hate it at football games when some stupid civilians are talking while the National Anthem is being played.  I am a student of my history.  I asked one question and it seems to never get an answer.  What protest movement by African Americans have ever been accepted? So I am a student of Kepner Tregoe problem solving analysis.  I analyzed black struggle and protest in America and I compared it to white Protest including the greatest protest or diplay in America the Great KKK March in D.C.    

After reviewing cause of why the majority of whites have never embraced any Protest movement.  It is always dismissed, relabeled and ridiculed.  All facts.   

So I ask using the problem solving analysis the only common denominator is the protester being Black.  So logical conclusion it doesn't matter the reason of the protest the Color of the Skin has an adverse affect on America.  For instance during a flood Whites are described as foraging for food and blacks are called Looters in the same situation in the same damn catastrophe. Now of course people as yourself and Nolebull express your reason for disliking it.  I don't doubt you.  I am telling you that is not what is driving the hatred and it is in fact the Color of their Skin defining acceptance. 

Example of my conclusion that Color does in fact drive the narrative. 

The racial biases of the reporters in New Orleans has been on full - and shocking - display, since Tuesday.

Repeatedly, reporters refer to white victims clinging to life as “survivors” and “residents,” while African-American victims doing the same things are called “looters” and “criminals.” Disproportionately, the humanizing, “heart-breaker” stories feature white victims and families. Meanwhile, images of African-American crowds are almost invariably in the background during discussions of “criminal activity.”

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The KKK have murdered thousand of Blacks.  But never declared Public Enemy number 1.  Look up the Panthers and COINTELPRO and Hoover labeling them Public Enemy number 1 and destroyed them.

Was James Meredith shot for some other reason than being Black?


Was Hank Aaron threatened with Death as he was about to break Ruth's HR record for some other reason than his skin?  What is this and it was recent on the 40th anniversary: When Aaron broke the record in 1974 set by Babe Ruth at 715 home runs, he received death threats and was on the receiving end of a torrent of hateful messages.  Recently sent to him:  

"Hank Aaron is a scumbag piece of (expletive) (racial slur)'' a man named Edward said in an e-mail to the Braves front office and obtained by USA TODAY Sports. "My old man instilled in my mind from a young age, the only good (racial slur) is a dead (racial slur)."

  Dr. King Non violent taken from Ghandi's movement against British oppression.  Now revered but what did your Grandmother and Grandfather think of him.  Very much the same as you do Kap who is not violent and in fact is using the same method. 

Now tell me it was not the Color of Their Skin.   I live in the Real world and found out you can only be successful when you present facts.  Facts are facts they can't be changed no matter how much revisionism one wants to insert into the mechanisms of my Mind.  I don't ingest B.S.. 

Even Though He Is Revered Today, MLK Was Widely Disliked by the American Public When He Was Killed

Seventy-five percent of Americans disapproved of the civil rights leader as he spoke out against the Vietnam War and economic disparity


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3 hours ago, DevilDog said:

And Finally I would never bow or take a Knee for a Flag.  I am indoctrinated in it's customs and courtesies.  I bow only to ELAHA and I would give no man the honor of me submitting when I still have the will and health to fight.  

They should not Kneel but it is not for the reason your fake Patriotism or Faux outrage over something many of them had relatives fight and die over just like you did.   

This proves that the Constitution is and was a document crafted by White Males for White Males and when you try to enact upon one of their hypocritical amendments you are immediately reminded it never was meant for you.  

It's been B.S. for a long time. African Americans who fail to study are often left under the Illusion of inclusion;

For exercising his 1st Amendment Right: According to the King Center, the civil rights leader went to jail 29 times

NAACP v. Alabama, 377 U.S. 288 (1964)

NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co, 458 U.S. 886 (1982)

Peace:  I will always pull up Lady Liberty's Skirt and reveal to you what you know not. 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

Image result for kaepernick slave

I see they have inflamed you into taking the time to try and school them. But it's probably wasted for as my day always reminded me, "You can't cast pearls before swine." 

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11 hours ago, DevilDog said:

That would probably have some bit of comedic symbolism.  Except the Chick with Balls on the top left is a Registered Republican.😂

I think her Box should read I am a Confused Republican with TIts and Nads.  

Olympic legend and longtime Republican Caitlyn Jenner raised eyebrows over the weekend with a joke at the College Republican National Committee convention on Friday.

Shem did piss Liberals off over the Shooting of the Congressman.  So you should embrace Shem. 


The point is that the overwhelming preponderance of folks who think "Caitlyn" is a woman are on the other side of the aisle.  There are loads of liberals who would swear "Caitlyn" is a woman even if "she" were smacking them in the face repeatedly with "her" dick.

And what is "Shem" (other than an ancient Hebrew name)?

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6 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

I see they have inflamed you into taking the time to try and school them. But it's probably wasted for as my day always reminded me, "You can't cast pearls before swine." 

Unfortunately your assessment is correct.  I personally have no problem with anyone disagreeing with him.  But to pretend that racism isn't involved is just damn disingenuous.  Whenever MAGA is catching hell he diverts attention by calling out Black players and blowing his dog whistle.  If it isn't a racial thing why do the majority of Black people support him along with other minorities and if it isn't as they pretend then it means they are more patriotic and love America more than I or other minorities.  That's B.S and they know it.    We fought in wars and served.  Read any story on him then go to the comment section where real 🇺🇸 s are free to say what they want.  These people here pretend as though we can't read or incapable of determining what is at the core of this.  Back to 🏈 threads.   

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

The point is that the overwhelming preponderance of folks who think "Caitlyn" is a woman are on the other side of the aisle.  There are loads of liberals who would swear "Caitlyn" is a woman even if "she" were smacking them in the face repeatedly with "her" dick.

And what is "Shem" (other than an ancient Hebrew name)?

He is the brother of my Father Ham and your Father Japheth.  In this case it refers to a dude with tits that is a Republican.  Registered and certified.  

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11 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Wait a Company/Ethnic group exploiting Blacks?  Wow is this a new concept.  Whites are pissed that Nike is catering to Blacks.  I guess many on the Right don't pay attention to the shoes that Black Kids have on their feet or the fake hair in the heads of Black women, or the bling worn and the Liquor Stores on every corner.  


Asians exploit Blacks with Beauty Shops

Jews exploit Blacks with Jewelry Shops

Arabs exploit Blacks with Liquor Stores

Whites exploit Blacks with peonage

But Nike dammit we can't tolerate this and the fact they put a Afro'd half-Black Man on the Cover is the final Straw.   


Do the Asians and Arabs and everyone put guns to Blacks heads and make them buy extensions and gin?  Were blacks to open such businesses, wouldn't other blacks support them?

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11 hours ago, DevilDog said:

I am gonna buy all 40 this weekend.  😎 Just because they are targeting me and even call them the Top 40 Black Ones. 

Come on Brotha's lets get some Nikes and help the Brotha.    

Image result for blacks in Nike


It's apparently easy to get certain folks to buy overpriced shit for no good reason other than to support Asian sweat shops.

Get some new lids too and leave on the tags and stickers.  That looks cool.

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Just now, concha said:

Do the Asians and Arabs and everyone put guns to Blacks heads and make them buy extensions and gin?  Were blacks to open such businesses, wouldn't other blacks support them?

No its called economic suicide by the least educated. Did the US government put guns to their heads in the Tuskegee experiment or when they put hazardous waste near them.  You are smart Concha and know exactly what it is.


It's called exploitation for a reason.

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10 hours ago, DevilDog said:

So glad you responded with the bottom embolden part.  Then you help me understand.  Because clearly I am lacking Mental clarity and I as a Black Man cannot clearly define Racism. 

In one post, Ms Malony described American footballers taking part in the gesture to protest cases of police brutality in the US as “over paid ignorant blacks”, suggesting they should “go to Africa”. 

It's never racist except it is fucking Racism. 


Republican official who called black NFL players 'baboons' on Facebook resigns

GOP representative resigns after describing athletes as 'over paid ignorant blacks' in online rant

The asshole is done and gone As he should be.


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11 hours ago, DevilDog said:

Wow such a great guy:  with White Christian Girl.  We know why?

Image result for kaepernick white girlfriend

Enlightened now hated:  Black Muslim Girl!  We know Why?

Related image



Career was in the toilet, meets a radical leftist girl, now he's taking money from a sweat shop empire run by whites.

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10 hours ago, DevilDog said:

So what do you call the people threatening to kill him over his protest.  That's not Racism.  I understand you not supporting him but to dismiss Racism is just being dismissive.   The President called their Mothers Bitches.  

Then tell me what this is sir.  Dr. King was killed for less.  

 Colin Kaepernick says he has had his life threatened as a response to his protest of racial oppression and inequality in the United States by kneeling during the ...

Lots of folks threatened by leftists.

In fact, most actual violence comes from the left.

And I hope you apply the phrase "sons of bitches" in the same manner always from now on. I'm sure that's the message the president was presenting, not simply voicing his displeasure at these guys.  

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10 hours ago, DevilDog said:

85% of whites are murdered by whites.  That is a silly argument and you need to find a less educated person to have it with. 


The difference and point being that the odds of a white guy being killed by another white guy are a fraction of those of a black man being killed by another black man. Right, educated guy?

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11 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

No its called economic suicide by the least educated. Did the US government put guns to their heads in the Tuskegee experiment or when they put hazardous waste near them.  You are smart Concha and know exactly what it is.


It's called exploitation for a reason.

So Asian hair joints and Arab liquor stores are now to be likened to Tuskegee?

Who generally governs these places? Which party? Sounds like they are severely fucking their constituents. 

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

So Asian hair joints and Arab liquor stores are now to be likened to Tuskegee?

Who generally governs these places? Which party? Sounds like they are severely fucking their constituents. 

If you delved into it you would find these people don't live in the neighborhoods they exploit.  Look I am at the forefront on this very issue.  But why present a fact to those that favor alternative facts.  They can't exploit me becaise fortunately I understand economic suicide.  The housing crash is an example of high interest rates directed toward these same people

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