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Nike Commits Company Suicide Endorses Colin Kapernick


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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

[...] Today the media more than ever pushes a narrative that white people are inherently evil, so they are void of any empathy, compassion, or reasoning. [...] What you are seeing is actual hatred and racism directed towards white people in everyday society. The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. [...]

Then an hour later...

2 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

[...] Now more than ever there is unwarranted criticism, hatred and exclusion of white people. Media outlets mainly barrage us with their hysterical anti-white agenda [...]

Then two hours later...

20 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Nobody here has experienced systemic oppression. Just stop. [...]

So, on the one hand, the media is pushing a narrative that white people are inherently evil and are barraging us with a hysterical anti-white agenda, and we're also seeing actual hatred and racism directed at white people in everyday society.

But, on the other hand, no one is experiencing systematic oppression. And we should stop talking about it.

A+ for a solid day's work.

I'm more proud than ever to be a conservative. 

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3 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Funny thing is if I threw away all my Nike gear I would lose a lot of clothes and most of my shoes. Lol. I ain't getting rid of any of it. Haha. 

I can separate Colin Kaepernick being a piece of shit, and a company wanting to use his likeness to generate buzz for profit. 

Plus it's not that serious.

So why is Colin a pos?  (This should be good) 

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1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

Funny thing is if I threw away all my Nike gear I would lose a lot of clothes and most of my shoes. Lol. I ain't getting rid of any of it. Haha. 

I can separate Colin Kaepernick being a piece of shit, and a company wanting to use his likeness to generate buzz for profit. 

Plus it's not that serious.

LOL....Hoss....I have NEVER let my political views guide my spending towards certain products.  If Bernie himself...came down from on high (Vermont) and said not to buy Brooks athletic shoes...I'd tell him......

Sorry...no disrespect...but Brooks makes the best shoes out there...and that's what I'm gonna buy.

I realize that makes me a terrible person...but it is what it is.....(Smile).




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13 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

So why is Colin a pos?  (This should be good) 

Couple reasons. He depicted cops as pigs and uses this social justice crusade to advance this extreme anti police ideology into minority communities to keep wedging the gap between the community and police who protect it. Children are being raised to hate police and the country. 

He also supports dictators and murderers. He wore a Malcom X cap which was a black identity extremist comparable to wearing a nazi logo. He caused an uproar in the Miami community when he wore a t shirt depicting Fidel Castro. He is a damn troll who premeditates this extremist view. 

Assata Shakur is on the FBI's most wanted list for killing a cop and he donated $25,000 to her cause. Left wing snopes confirmed it. 

He is a giant piece of shit and only caters to fellow extremists. 

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8 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Then an hour later...

Then two hours later...

So, on the one hand, the media is pushing a narrative that white people are inherently evil and are barraging us with a hysterical anti-white agenda, and we're also seeing actual hatred and racism directed at white people in everyday society.

But, on the other hand, no one is experiencing systematic oppression. And we should stop talking about it.

A+ for a solid day's work.

I'm more proud than ever to be a conservative. 

I was actually discussing minority oppression. I simply said there is a narrative in the media to push an anti white agenda, but I never said white people were being oppressed. There are instances of course but in general they are not being systematically oppressed. Some media and tech companies wish for them to be, but is hasn't Happened across the board mainstream 

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15 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Couple reasons. He depicted cops as pigs and uses this social justice crusade to advance this extreme anti police ideology into minority communities to keep wedging he gap between the community and police who protect it. Children are being raised to hate police and the country. 

He also supports dictators and murderers. He wore a Malcom X cap which was a black identity extremist comparable to wearing a nazi logo. He caused an uproar in the Miami community when he wore a t shirt depicting Fidel Castro. He is a damn troll who premeditates this extremist view. 

Assata Shakur is on the FBI's most wanted list for killing a cop and he donated $25,000 to her cause. Left wing snopes confirmed it. 

He is a giant piece of shit and only caters to fellow extremists. 

Aah yes, Colin is responsible for children growing up hating cops, it has nothing do with the actual relationships that have been burning red for decades. (Incidences like Reginald Denny and Amadou Diallo occurred well before Kap came on the scene)   

Colin wears socks depicting cops as being dishonorable and untrustworthy,  this is no different than the labeling of the gov as being a deep state void of integrity. But yet you cheer and agree with that label.

malcolm X is not comparable to Nazis, he didn’t call for the extermination of other races.  He believed in meeting force with the oppressive and discriminatory force that was being handed out under white supremacy.  

All I will add about assata shakur is COINTELPRO.   Read it. 

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9 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I was actually discussing minority oppression. I simply said there is a narrative in the media to push an anti white agenda, but I never said white people were being oppressed. There are instances of course but in general they are not being systematically oppressed. Some media and tech companies wish for them to be, but is hasn't Happened across the board mainstream 

Oh, good.

I'm happy to know that the hysterical anti-white media barrage isn't systematic oppression and that, for that reason, we should just shut up about it -- at least while we're telling black people and gay people that they're not being systematically oppressed. 

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7 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Oh, good.

I'm happy to know that the hysterical anti-white media barrage isn't systematic oppression and that, for that reason, we should just shut up about it -- at least while we're telling black people and gay people that they're not being systematically oppressed. 

They are not systemically oppressed. No one is. Even though the media pushes an anti white agenda, whites are still not oppressed. 

Blacks and gays as you say are protected minorities. They are minority in terms of total Population. There is not some white supremacy holding them down. You choose your destiny. 

There are plenty of successful black people. Is there a quota that the white supremacists allow for a certain amount of black people to achieve success? Lol. They pick and choose what blacks they decide to become judges, lawyers, teachers, doctors, actors, accountants, etc??? 

The white people who live poor are poor because of the life decisions they made, and the decisions they didn't make. White privalege didn't help them out of the trailer park. 

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21 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Aah yes, Colin is responsible for children growing up hating cops, it has nothing do with the actual relationships that have been burning red for decades. (Incidences like Reginald Denny and Amadou Diallo occurred well before Kap came on the scene)   

Colin wears socks depicting cops as being dishonorable and untrustworthy,  this is no different than the labeling of the gov as being a deep state void of integrity. But yet you cheer and agree with that label.

malcolm X is not comparable to Nazis, he didn’t call for the extermination of other races.  He believed in meeting force with the oppressive and discriminatory force that was being handed out under white supremacy.  

All I will add about assata shakur is COINTELPRO.   Read it. 

Cointelpro was keeping an eye on people they thought could cause anarchy and violence. Even MLK was targeted even though he was preaching peace. 

So you buy into the conspiracy theory that she was set up? 

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55 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Cointelpro was keeping an eye on people they thought could cause anarchy and violence. Even MLK was targeted even though he was preaching peace. 

So you buy into the conspiracy theory that she was set up? 

I know what it.  The problem is we know the FBI used questionable tactics and they were corrupt.  Whether she was set up I’m not sure. But the FBI absolutely wanted to bring her group down by any means necessary. 

They hardly get a morality pass from me. 

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1 hour ago, Belly Bob said:

I don't know, Troll.

My point is to make a choice and then be consistent. Don't tell black people to stop complaining about the system, and then complain about white persecution. 

Don't get bent out of shape when black guys paint white guys in broad strokes, and then go to some other thread and paint Muslims in broad strokes. 

Don't appeal to atrocities committed against a group you identify with in this thread, and then dismiss atrocities committed by that group in another thread.

Etc. etc. etc. 

You say make a choice...well that choice has already been assigned to me, by my skin color.  I'm just a human dealing with the consequences and day to day issues that I have to deal with in that.  

I dislike when either side paints with broad brushes, if I do so unintentionally, I would expect to get called out for it.  But this is the problem created when thinking in terms of 'Groups'. That taken as a whole the hypocrisy appears quantified, and that those 'individuals' that actually DO talk out of both sides of their mouths are held out as example representatives for the entire group...  Don't know what else to say about that, other than it does not apply to me.

I agree with your appeal/dismiss hypocrisy point 100% .

ETC. ETC. yes, I could go on.....you missed answering the question in your reply where I asked if my white oppression situation was 'ENOUGH'...  Maybe many see it, that I need to eat that 'make up flag' by the societal ref for the good of society....A point I do not offhandedly dismiss.  But what If I were to tell you that I worked my ass of my entire life,  and conservatively lived below my means, so that I might do the right thing and be able to send my kids to college etc. ...….and that my son worked HIS ass off to become a blue chip college student/athlete.... And the fully qualified, congressionally nominated candidate he became for a US Service Academy, was passed over for a $250,000 full ride, set for life track.  Where had he been a minority, he would have had a slot (rightly or wrongly, yes I was even told this by people at the Academy).  Does that raise the bar any???

Again how much is enough?

Should it be acceptable to go to a lesser State College?  That is the pound of flesh, that by law society demands of me (and my son) TODAY.  Paying twice the advertised 'average cost' without a single red cent of assistance, is included as a bonus plan you know...

If I accept all this as my civic duty (which is moot as it is lawfully forced)...would it be enough then?  No matter...life goes on...

So when I (thru no fault of my own) run into a health issue and become disabled, and since I have already given at least a pound, can society let me off that 'makeup flag' hook then at least?  HELL NO.  We are dealing with fiefdom beaurocracy in Universities today...run thru the system, time and energy wasted, and yet I still receive a bill that is twice what the average student receives ....

Probably bored with the story by now, but at least there is a cherry on top.....The College has a solution....

Just sell my son into indentured servitude, with loans that cannot be extinguished thru any court or by any law, and only relieved by the grace of those that hold his note,...….Beautiful huh.....    Now as my ailment may be genetic, this choice should be simple right?  Should be perfectly reasonable to leave your children in  inextinguishable debt from the start, when there is always the possibility they could become disabled as well....    

What is the scale of justice at now?  2 or 3 pounds??? Is this ENOUGH to appease societies demands? 

Now of course I will be told that any of my grievances  will pale in comparison to being historically lynched in the street, thus is meaningless or rightfully negated.  But as I would probably rather be lynched, than leave my son to the hands of indentured servitude, I have no problem letting people use my example to show how 'white oppression' is real, quantifiable, institutionalized and does have many 'victims' which is not a term that I would otherwise describe myself as.

Bottom line is....

I still fail to see how 'society is better off' hamstringing and more heavily burdening such qualified students...an basing that action on race...

PS: just an fyi, not trying to 'post and run' but I may not be able to respond for a while ... 


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3 hours ago, Horsefly said:

Aah yes, Colin is responsible for children growing up hating cops, it has nothing do with the actual relationships that have been burning red for decades. (Incidences like Reginald Denny and Amadou Diallo occurred well before Kap came on the scene)   

Colin wears socks depicting cops as being dishonorable and untrustworthy,  this is no different than the labeling of the gov as being a deep state void of integrity. But yet you cheer and agree with that label.

malcolm X is not comparable to Nazis, he didn’t call for the extermination of other races.  He believed in meeting force with the oppressive and discriminatory force that was being handed out under white supremacy.  

All I will add about assata shakur is COINTELPRO.   Read it. 

Yep my go to reference to discover if black people suffer oppression Is the wonton ramblings of a white man.  Assata is not hated by one black person.  They buy the narrative but forget her injuries.  I love Malcolm.  Absolutely love him.  Only when you fight back is it militant a white man defines his as patriotism.  

Yeah not a good source to go too.  A little thing called history as my guide.  

He has been an abject failure on racism and oppression.  I mean a total failure.  Like the worse damn failure in history.  

Ask them what caused the rise of the Nation of Islam.. By the way  Hoover labelled them most discipline Blacks ever in America and he feared Malcolm and stated there cannot be a rising Black Messiah.  

Listen to the tape of the FBI trying to flip Malcolm.  Hoover was  a soulless damn swine Eater.  You don't define my heroes.  I DETERMINE THAT. 

You can't be a Banneker or Martin.  It doesn't work. Kapernick will be revered in 40 years. It takes that long for them to get it.  See Ali, Russell, Tommie Smith and John Carlos.  Give em 40 yrs they are pretty shitty at this on inception.  HISTORY

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3 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

He wrote:[...] The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. [...]  

1.My case is that this is such an exaggeration that it is false.

2.And the burden of proof would lie on him who would say otherwise. 

3.But more on point, don't bring up white persecution while telling black guys not to bring up black persecution. 

See my tirade above.

1. My immediate reaction to the statement was the same direction as yours, pure exaggeration....Upon reading the statement closer tho, ""same exact hatred and PREJUDICE" is 100% correct...regardless of how proliferant in scale.... 

2. If you feel I have not met that burden yet, I could relate how several minority state college office workers seemed to take just a little too much happiness in being able to tell me 'sorry but no' .....Might help, but not much proof without pictures LOL.

3. 100% agree with you.  The other poster may be guilty of this, but his statement above has no leaks.

and we all have tirades, all good.


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50 minutes ago, Troll said:



1. My immediate reaction to the statement was the same direction as yours, pure exaggeration....Upon reading the statement closer tho, ""same exact hatred and PREJUDICE" is 100% correct...regardless of how proliferant in scale.... 

2. If you feel I have not met that burden yet, I could relate how several minority state college office workers seemed to take just a little too much happiness in being able to tell me 'sorry but no' .....Might help, but not much proof without pictures LOL.

3. 100% agree with you.  The other poster may be guilty of this, but his statement above has no leaks.

and we all have tirades, all good.



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4 hours ago, Troll said:



1. My immediate reaction to the statement was the same direction as yours, pure exaggeration....Upon reading the statement closer tho, ""same exact hatred and PREJUDICE" is 100% correct...regardless of how proliferant in scale.... 

2. If you feel I have not met that burden yet, I could relate how several minority state college office workers seemed to take just a little too much happiness in being able to tell me 'sorry but no' .....Might help, but not much proof without pictures LOL.

3. 100% agree with you.  The other poster may be guilty of this, but his statement above has no leaks.

and we all have tirades, all good.

If his point was just that prejudice is prejudice, then I don't have a problem with it. How could I?

And if I so, then my apologies to Nolebull. 

I thought that his point was that the prejudices white people face today are of the same kind or degree as the prejudices black people faced in the 1960s.  That's how I read "same exact hatred and prejudice as...".

Apologies all around if I was mistaken, which I may have been. 

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28 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

If his point was just that prejudice is prejudice, then I don't have a problem with it. How could I?

And if I so, then my apologies to Nolebull. 

I thought that his point was that the prejudices white people face today are of the same kind or degree as the prejudices black people faced in 1960s.  That's how I read "same exact hatred and prejudice as...".

Apologies all around if I was mistaken, which I may have been. 

Yes that is they way I read it, and also believe that prejudice is prejudice, and hate is hate....Regardless that there are many more who have suffered far worse than me....

Was not trying to catch you in any mistake, I think because the phrasing appeared as exaggerated or uncomparable items, and took a sec to figure out, that some clarification was needed...

I as well tend to do that a lot, (compare or juxtapose unsimilarly weighted things) to show that the causes may be the same regardless of who can show a larger effect...

Did not take you any time at all to pick up on the clarification...👍

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4 hours ago, Troll said:

You say make a choice...well that choice has already been assigned to me, by my skin color.  I'm just a human dealing with the consequences and day to day issues that I have to deal with in that.  

I dislike when either side paints with broad brushes, if I do so unintentionally, I would expect to get called out for it.  But this is the problem created when thinking in terms of 'Groups'. That taken as a whole the hypocrisy appears quantified, and that those 'individuals' that actually DO talk out of both sides of their mouths are held out as example representatives for the entire group...  Don't know what else to say about that, other than it does not apply to me.

I agree with your appeal/dismiss hypocrisy point 100% .

ETC. ETC. yes, I could go on.....you missed answering the question in your reply where I asked if my white oppression situation was 'ENOUGH'...  Maybe many see it, that I need to eat that 'make up flag' by the societal ref for the good of society....A point I do not offhandedly dismiss.  But what If I were to tell you that I worked my ass of my entire life,  and conservatively lived below my means, so that I might do the right thing and be able to send my kids to college etc. ...….and that my son worked HIS ass off to become a blue chip college student/athlete.... And the fully qualified, congressionally nominated candidate he became for a US Service Academy, was passed over for a $250,000 full ride, set for life track.  Where had he been a minority, he would have had a slot (rightly or wrongly, yes I was even told this by people at the Academy).  Does that raise the bar any???

Again how much is enough?

Should it be acceptable to go to a lesser State College?  That is the pound of flesh, that by law society demands of me (and my son) TODAY.  Paying twice the advertised 'average cost' without a single red cent of assistance, is included as a bonus plan you know...

If I accept all this as my civic duty (which is moot as it is lawfully forced)...would it be enough then?  No matter...life goes on...

So when I (thru no fault of my own) run into a health issue and become disabled, and since I have already given at least a pound, can society let me off that 'makeup flag' hook then at least?  HELL NO.  We are dealing with fiefdom beaurocracy in Universities today...run thru the system, time and energy wasted, and yet I still receive a bill that is twice what the average student receives ....

Probably bored with the story by now, but at least there is a cherry on top.....The College has a solution....

Just sell my son into indentured servitude, with loans that cannot be extinguished thru any court or by any law, and only relieved by the grace of those that hold his note,...….Beautiful huh.....    Now as my ailment may be genetic, this choice should be simple right?  Should be perfectly reasonable to leave your children in  inextinguishable debt from the start, when there is always the possibility they could become disabled as well....    

What is the scale of justice at now?  2 or 3 pounds??? Is this ENOUGH to appease societies demands? 

Now of course I will be told that any of my grievances  will pale in comparison to being historically lynched in the street, thus is meaningless or rightfully negated.  But as I would probably rather be lynched, than leave my son to the hands of indentured servitude, I have no problem letting people use my example to show how 'white oppression' is real, quantifiable, institutionalized and does have many 'victims' which is not a term that I would otherwise describe myself as.

Bottom line is....

I still fail to see how 'society is better off' hamstringing and more heavily burdening such qualified students...an basing that action on race...

PS: just an fyi, not trying to 'post and run' but I may not be able to respond for a while ... 


I hear you. And I believe I said some things I shouldn't have. So my apologies.

This is what happened. It's not a justification of what I said (if it was, then I wouldn't need to apologize) but rather an explanation. 

I believe that one thing that conservatives get right is that we shouldn't lump people together into groups and then assign responsibility or rights or privileges or obligations to individuals on the basis of their group membership. That, I believe, is a serious mistake for all sorts of reasons. But one of those reasons is that it degrades people.

Now, I stumbled into the 9/11 thread to find my conservative friends doing that very thing with respect to Muslims, which was exasperating.  

The other thing that conservatives get right (I think), but it's much less important than the first thing, is that they're suspicious of the claim that the system today favors some racial or ethnic or gender or religious groups over others, or (maybe better) they're suspicious of the claim that any preferences the system may have are strong enough to explain why some groups do better than others. And part of the defense of that claim is rejecting anecdotal evidence, which, although it is evidence, doesn't count for much when tying to explain complex systematic behavior.

Then I stumbled into this thread to see my conservative friends claiming that the system is against white people. And they were supporting that claim by giving anecdotal evidence. 

It was all too much for me to take in such short period time. So I ended up saying some things that I shouldn't have said and that I would take back if I could. 

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I should also add that I work in higher education and that I am aware that universities favor members of what they are now calling "historically underrepresented groups" in their admissions policies and their hiring policies. And by "historically underrepresented groups", they mean "non-whites and non-males."

And for the reasons I gave above, I think that's a mistake.  

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1 minute ago, Belly Bob said:

I should also add that I work in higher education and that I am aware that universities favor members of what they are now calling "historically underrepresented groups" in their admission policies and their hiring policies. And by "historically underrepresented groups", they mean "non-whites and non-males."

And for the reasons I gave above, I think that's a mistake.  

Eventually and this is already happening you will see more minorities and women go to work while males esp white males stay home as it will be easier for a minority and or females to get a job than a white male

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10 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I hear you. And I believe I said some things I shouldn't have. So my apologies.

This is what happened.

What did I miss? Apologize??? for what? 

I took no offense to anything I read, and saw nothing wrong with what you posted (just clarified one point).

Tired so maybe I missed it, but no worries.... 


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22 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

I should also add that I work in higher education and that I am aware that universities favor members of what they are now calling "historically underrepresented groups" in their admission policies and their hiring policies. And by "historically underrepresented groups", they mean "non-whites and non-males."

And for the reasons I gave above, I think that's a mistake.  

Do you think I should submit some DNA to the government (you know the same DNA, that the same government that would have sterilized my wife for in the  1970's, when she was born),  to get him listed on a government minority roll? 

Such great options these University rules (created and supported by US law)  bestow upon me....

Sorry just ranting 😖

I agree and think it is a mistake as well...…..




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Just now, Troll said:

Do you think I should submit some DNA to the government (you know the same DNA, that the same government would have sterilized my wife for in the  1970's, when she was born),  to get him listed on a government minority roll? 

Such great options these University rules (created and supported by US law)  bestow upon me....

Sorry just ranting 😖

I agree and think it is a mistake as well...…..




Everything your son signs up for always put down your a minority. They cant challenge it

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