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Nike Commits Company Suicide Endorses Colin Kapernick


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24 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

It's people like you and Bellybob who might disagree but each of you always provide your context with honest discourse. I can't speak for Horsefly but I try to explain the cause so you can understand the problem.  Actually I would only take time with you two on matters such as this.  If you know why I arrive at my grievance you may better understand my actions.    The irony iis neither him or I would kneel.

Every man has causes, and every man should always have the power to STAND on his own two feet to express them. 

Things are never always equal, but it certainly should be the goal...


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6 hours ago, Troll said:

Sorry for the delay, had an errand to run.

Your expressions and customs will never have the same meaning as it will for people you exclude from your group. Especially if you are trying to set the definition for the other's side. But I will run with your definitions anyway.... 

I left DD a little nugget that sounded cracked the other day (about applying history to present day, and the amount of relevance required) that I knew would come in handy.  I'll apply it here to provide perspective...

His note of historical amnesia is a very good one....but therein lies the conundrum. what to do when the world 'just does not understand' your protest?  Well let's just all take the 'cracked' approach......and see how that one goes...

So assuming history is totally irrelevant (in the sense that yes people actually live in the present, and could care less of history) where do we actually STAND TODAY?!?

AWE HECK lookie there,  just got back to that old outstanding question of "Why do we have a Civil rights act of 1964" that is TODAY only allowed to be abused and tossed away when it comes to one side....like how is that even legal.... TODAY???  Now I could easily posit that the 'black on white oppression' began right around your very same 1968, with the conveniently ignored Philadelphia laws enacted and spreading from there..... certainly not Lynching in the street oppression, but oppression non the less. Apathetic whites could ignore this for years (being so advantaged and all). So sticking to Today, how many do you think there are left that feel they can still afford these disadvantages institutionally written into our Laws?  Sure ya got 400 years of oppression and think your actions justified by it, but can you ever really justify oppressive inequality in the rules themselves? 

TODAY's population got hit with the 45 year make-up call flag from the ref, and that's what they feel like they are living today...

When EQUALITY is the topic and you start complaining, TODAY'S situations are what people are forced to live by...…while you claim oppression, they already have yours against them, in their face....

...and a black power fist pump ain't gonna help you bridge any gaps





Interesting take, but what do whites give up for equal rights to others?  No, let’s make it specific, what do whites lose as a group to legal and judicial reform or even improved police relations in the black community TODAY?  The notion that they feel they are being flagged for  a civil rights make up call is off track if judicial/PD reform is not a zero sum game. 

We’ve covered the fist pump and frankly it’s ignorance to assume a fist pump always means racial supremacy.

 When Bernie Sanders fist pumps is that racial? 

Aaah, so there it is again, the universal meaning that denotes defiance and solidarity and it’s logical as both (kap and Bernie) were desiring others to unite under their cause.  


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6 hours ago, Belly Bob said:

Although I'm jumping into a discussion at the end without having read what's gone on before it, I don't want to miss a chance to register my agreement with you, since we've disagreed on so much in the past.

If I'm understanding, it's the same with homosexuals. 

Given the actual history, it makes sense for gay people to express publicly that they're not less valuable than other human beings despite their sexual preferences. Call it gay pride. 

But given the actual history, it makes little sense for heterosexuals to do the same thing. To organize and shout "Straight pride!" in the streets would likely run against gay people's efforts to have their human dignity widely recognized. 

Well stated 

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Tell me if this isn't history repeating itself in reverse. White people who weren't even born or have nothing to do with racist injustices are being persecuted for sharing the same skin color of past guilty culprits. Today the media more than ever pushes a narrative that white people are inherently evil, so they are void of any empathy, compassion, or reasoning. They conflate evil people of the past with current innocent people. What you are seeing is actual hatred and racism directed towards white people in everyday society. The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. I don't think this is what they had in mind. Revenge against the innocent 

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14 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Tell me if this isn't history repeating itself in reverse. White people who weren't even born or have nothing to do with racist injustices are being persecuted for sharing the same skin color of past guilty culprits. Today the media more than ever pushes a narrative that white people are inherently evil, so they are void of any empathy, compassion, or reasoning. They conflate evil people of the past with current innocent people. What you are seeing is actual hatred and racism directed towards white people in everyday society. The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. I don't think this is what they had in mind. Revenge against the innocent 

A+ for trolling. 

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8 minutes ago, concha said:

Because blacks did not enslave other blacks, Arabs ditto, the Aztecs didn't conquer, enslave and ritually slaughter etc etc etc...

Italians were enslaved by North Africans via the Barbary slave trade.

so I should have an inherent hatred and animosity for North Africans, and the media should coddle my hatred and justify it, and any hostile actions taken by me or any other Italian, even though nobody we know or were related to were invlvoved 

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41 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Tell me if this isn't history repeating itself in reverse. White people who weren't even born or have nothing to do with racist injustices are being persecuted for sharing the same skin color of past guilty culprits. Today the media more than ever pushes a narrative that white people are inherently evil, so they are void of any empathy, compassion, or reasoning. They conflate evil people of the past with current innocent people. What you are seeing is actual hatred and racism directed towards white people in everyday society. The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. I don't think this is what they had in mind. Revenge against the innocent 

Tell me more about how white people are being persecuted in this country. 

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24 minutes ago, Troll said:


As your history has been deemed to be oppressive...

I don't fall for the bullshit. I'm not some pussy millennial with white guilt. I am proud to be a straight white Christian male. I don't go walking around screaming it. Hell I don't even mention it. Lol. But I am damn sure not ashamed of it and never will be. I'm proud and blessed to be American.

being American is what unites us. Everyone should be proud of where they come from, and their families heritage. And white people should never feel ashamed. 

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6 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Tell me more about how white people are being persecuted in this country. 

That way of thinking will fill you with the lack of empathy or compassion. Twisted way of thinking. Now more than ever there is unwarranted criticism, hatred and exclusion of white people. Media outlets mainly barrage us with their hysterical anti-white agenda. White people are put in a negative light and conflate them with evil. This a small example of how the 21st century culture is warping minds to project racism against whites. Look at this link first, and then click on the one below it 





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55 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Tell me if this isn't history repeating itself in reverse. White people who weren't even born or have nothing to do with racist injustices are being persecuted for sharing the same skin color of past guilty culprits. Today the media more than ever pushes a narrative that white people are inherently evil, so they are void of any empathy, compassion, or reasoning. They conflate evil people of the past with current innocent people. What you are seeing is actual hatred and racism directed towards white people in everyday society. The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. I don't think this is what they had in mind. Revenge against the innocent 


1 minute ago, Nolebull813 said:

That way of thinking will fill you with the lack of empathy or compassion. Twisted way of thinking. Now more than ever there is unwarranted criticism, hatred and exclusion of white people. Media outlets mainly barrage us with their hysterical anti-white agenda. White people are put in a negative light and conflate them with evil. This a small example of how the 21st century culture is warping minds to project racism against whites. Look at this link first, and then click on the one below it 






4 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don't fall for the bullshit. I'm not some pussy millennial with white guilt. I am proud to be a straight white Christian male. I don't go walking around screaming it. Hell I don't even mention it. Lol. But I am damn sure not ashamed of it and never will be. I'm proud and blessed to be American.

being American is what unites us. Everyone should be proud of where they come from, and their families heritage. And white people should never feel ashamed. 

So you got a whiff of oppression while playing on the Internet, and now you're quick to point out that you're not ashamed to be a straight white Christian male.

But when black people or gay people, many of whom have suffered real oppression in this country and not just Internet-meme-oppression, say that they're not ashamed to be black or gay, that gets you all bent out of shape. 

Now you're on the high school football forum talking about how the word "diversity" is code for "white genocide."

What a fucking joke. 

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11 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

Tell me more about how white people are being persecuted in this country. 

Exhibit A. When I was in the financial aid office at my sons state college a month ago....I got the shaft and not only zippo help or assistance, but a big runaraound of paperwork to make it 'look' like they were doing their job....

If you knew the whole situation, you could not argue, that the only reason I am being discriminated against is because of my skin color (and the fact that we have never tried to use my son's 'possible' minority status).  As proof I could only provide the codified rules, written in 'black and white', with different ones for each...….. My son (just shy of an Academic All American status, which he hopes to achieve this year) is at major risk of not being able to graduate as a result..... 

Good enough ??? 


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2 hours ago, Troll said:

Exhibit A. When I was in the financial aid office at my sons state college a month ago....I got the shaft and not only zippo help or assistance, but a big runaraound of paperwork to make it 'look' like they were doing their job....

If you knew the whole situation, you could not argue, that the only reason I am being discriminated against is because of my skin color (and the fact that we have never tried to use my son's 'possible' minority status).  As proof I could only provide the codified rules, written in 'black and white', with different ones for each...….. My son (just shy of an Academic All American status, which he hopes to achieve this year) is at major risk of not being able to graduate as a result..... 

Good enough ??? 

I don't know, Troll.

My point is to make a choice and then be consistent. Don't tell black people to stop complaining about the system, and then complain about white persecution. 

Don't get bent out of shape when black guys paint white guys in broad strokes, and then go to some other thread and paint Muslims in broad strokes. 

Don't appeal to atrocities committed against a group you identify with in this thread, and then dismiss atrocities committed by that group in another thread.

Etc. etc. etc. 

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1 hour ago, Troll said:


but more on point...you should state your case if you feel his post incorrect...

He wrote:

2 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

[...] The behavior towards white people in this current day is the same exact hatred and prejudice that African American civil rights leaders fought against. [...]

My case is that this is such an exaggeration that it is false.

And the burden of proof would lie on him who would say otherwise. 

But more on point, don't bring up white persecution while telling black guys not to bring up black persecution. 

See my tirade above.

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Nobody here has experienced systemic oppression. Just stop. Unless you are in your 60's-80's and experienced it as a youth. 

Quit the lying and bullshit. No one ever said there wasn't grave injustices throughout history. Not one time did anyone say that ever. 

What is being discussed is in 2018 there is no systemic oppression you keep trying to peddle. It's a lie. 

That's like me complaining about the Barbary slave trade. Doesn't make any sense. 

No one is being held down. You guys are late you that party. 

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46 minutes ago, Belly Bob said:

He wrote:

My case is that this is such an exaggeration that it is false.

And the burden of proof would lie on him who would say otherwise. 

But more on point, don't bring up white persecution while telling black guys not to bring up black persecution. 

See my tirade above.

I'm saying don't bring up any persecution. It's outdated and doesn't apply to current society. It's intentionally opening old wounds for people who didn't have to even experience it just so they can keep a disdain for no reason. No one is being oppressed. 

It's not about race. It's about good people and pieces of shit. I live in a town that's 90 percent white and in the bad areas there is police 24/7 arresting white trash pieces of shit. And it's in a good ole boy County. Where is their white privilege? Country ass cops arresting their fellow white man? Say it isn't so. When I go to the walmart up the road there is some sketchy ass white people that I'm waiting to freak out on just for asking me a question in the parking lot. It has nothing to do with race. They sketch me out more than any black or Spanish person does on any given day. 

Im prejudice against trash and coexist perfectly fine with respectful people of all backgrounds who treat me how I treat them. Just stop with the race shit. It's a lie 


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5 minutes ago, Rufus69 said:

Could we get back to the OP and just say our quiet condolences on the death of Nike......




Funny thing is if I threw away all my Nike gear I would lose a lot of clothes and most of my shoes. Lol. I ain't getting rid of any of it. Haha. 

I can separate Colin Kaepernick being a piece of shit, and a company wanting to use his likeness to generate buzz for profit. 

Plus it's not that serious.

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